Hugill's Law

Kenneth Hugill & NIck Freeman, Hugill's Law


Kenneth Hugill is the 83-year-old farmer who was acquitted by a Hull jury, after just 24 minutes, over an allegation of GBH.

Mr Hugill had been defending his farm from intruders. Even though he was acquitted, My Hugill faced a legal bill of over £30,000 which was going to take him decades to pay back.

Celebrity lawyer Nick Freeman, launched a Just Giving campaign to help with those fees and, with overwhelming public support and generosity, was able to hand Mr Hugill a cheque to cover his legal fees. Nick has started a campaign to allow acquitted defendants to recover their reasonable legal costs, as was the system, before it was changed in 2012.

You can find and sign the petition by clicking the link - Hugill's Law Petition

You can watch the video of Nick being interviewed on the BBC over Hugill's Law and acquitted defendants not being able to recover their reasonable legal costs.



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